The company has been operational since 2008, and has accumulated great experience as well as earned customer trust. Currently we work with different enterprises and manufacturers engaged in similar activities in various countries of the world. A professional and vigorous team united by the company consistently improves professional skills with consideration to the newest service, repair and manufacture technologies.
The goal of the company – to establish long-term and firm relationships with its all customers and partners, to become someone everyone is pleased to cooperate.
The company strategy – to satisfy the needs of our every customer and partner, also to put forward suggestions exceeding expectations.
Core activities of the company:
- Supply, assembly of internal combustion engines from 200 to 3000 kW;
- Warranty, routine and non-routine service and repair of internal combustion engines;
- Supply of spare parts for internal combustion engines;
- Supply, assembly, service, repair and rental of autonomous diesel generators;
- Organisation of repairs and modernisation of traction rolling stock, passenger and freight wagons;
- Repair of traction rolling stock, passenger and freight wagon systems and aggregates; Supply of spare parts for traction rolling stock, passenger and freight wagons.